Friday, January 24, 2020

My Goals - I Want to Get Back What I Once Had Essay -- strength flexib

My Goals - I Want to Get Back What I Once Had Physically I've always had my ups and downs. I suppose it all depends on what's going on in my life that would allow adequate amounts of physical activity. Most of my physical activities are done in the summer and the least amount is done in the winter. That's not to say that I don't get a little here and there all the time. Most of my cardiovascular fitness is done in the summer, whereas any other exercise I might have is done mostly other parts of the year. Currently I don?t have many strengths as opposed to weaknesses as far as physical fitness is concerned because I haven't been active very much since high school. You could say I?ve been pretty lazy. If I were to say that I still had any strengths left, they would be anything having to do with anaerobic exercise. Perhaps such things as lifting weights for a short period of time I may still be able to do pretty well, but as for running a mile or so, I don?t think I'd be able to do it as well as I used to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My activity background isn?t very extensive other than a required physical education class throughout grade school. However in middle school I played on a soccer team recreationally for a year or two. In high school I really started to become aware of my physical condition and myself. I began to get tired easily and my muscles always hurt. I was horribly out of shape. So in ninth grade I decided to joint the wrestling team. And every winter form ninth to twelfth gra...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Perfection Definition Essay

Too often we aim for perfection and berate ourselves when we fall short. Some of us avoid that humiliation by simply giving up. I don’t want you to give up. I want you to aim high, certainly, but don’t stop simply because you didn’t achieve perfection. There are two points I will make tonight. Firstly, perfection for us mere mortals is by its very nature impossible to achieve. Secondly, to achieve perfection is not actually a desirable thing. Firstly, why is perfection impossible? Perfection – being correct in every detail – escapes our practical attempts to achieve it. Firstly – much like beauty – perfection is in the eye of the beholder. One man’s perception of the perfect meal is only fit for pigs in the view of another. Notions of perfection are therefore relative – relative to the individual, to their culture, to their notions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Thus, perfection defeats any notion of an objective definition. As well, we humans are not created for perfection, we are created to survive. Humans learn by making mistakes and surviving. It simply does not make sense to be a race that seeks to perfect a single thing whilst all else goes to pot. We do have feet of clay and so every thing we do carries that fatal flaw in its making. Consider the very highest works of art. The Mona Lisa – often considered a towering achievement of art – was painted by Leonardo da Vinci over the course of 17 years, and it only came to its current state when he died. So clearly that painting is not perfection. Consider also the dangers and rigours of the space race and its complete intolerance of imperfection. Billions upon billions have been spent in the space race, and yet, despite monumental effort, despite the world’s brightest minds and most developed systems, tiny flaws come into the machinery that powers the astronauts aloft, and when that occurs, people die in disasters such as the Columbia and Challenger disasters. Perfection requires far too much work and is unattainable. We cannot define perfection objectively, and in any case as flawed and frail humans our creations must also be imperfect. Perfection is impossible. Secondly, even if perfection were possible, would it be good for us? As we know, George Douglas Duke of Argyll said, â€Å"Every advance has a new horizon.† Even the very best, having achieved the highest levels of excellence that humans are capable of eventually see their high water mark eclipsed by competitors or, sometimes, by themselves. Nadia Comaneci obtained perfect scores in the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, only to have those performances surpassed by later athletes. If perfection were achieved, we would, perversely, stagnate and fail. As humans, we need to progress and grow, to strive to achieve and to fly above our flawed nature. The myth of progress, of ‘higher, faster, better’, caresses the ego of each of us to exceed the performance of those that went before. Were it not possible – were perfection attained – we would not strive with our own personal arrogance to better our betters and succeed. Perfection would become a straitjacket colouring our world with the blandness of mediocrity, where our will to succeed would be sapped by the knowledge that we can do no better. Perfection is not desirable. Now consider the original question. Who needs perfection? The simple answer is that no-one needs perfection. Perfection is not possible due to our flawed and fragile natures, and in any event we cannot agree what perfection is. Perfection is also not desirable, as knowing that we can do no better than our predecessors removes our desire to strive to succeed. In fact we need imperfection. We need to see an opportunity to better the world, to break new grounds of excellence. We need to set the challenge, to stake our claim in the ground and ask all before us to better that mark of excellence. In doing so we must recognise that what we have done is not perfect, and that what we have done contains flaws. Imperfection allows us to advance our small corner of the world, and it allows us to challenge our successors to build upon our work. There is nothing perfect in this world, but the world can be made better by our own actions. Ladies and gentlemen, perfection is neither possible nor desirable. Who needs perfection? No-one needs perfection. There will always be a flaw, some minute imperfection, that will allow us to advance. In that imperfection there is hope. As men with feet of clay, should you aim for perfection, you will assuredly fail in that endeavour. That is no reason to abandon the task, though, as you will leave the world in a better state than before you took up your tools. Stand firm, stand proud, and say â€Å"no-one needs perfection†.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Richard Wilson s Nigger Go Home - 1884 Words

black child could do that well on his own. Wilson would also often find notes on his desk reading Nigger go home. At home, his family had to endure racial slurs in the mostly white Hazelwood area of Pittsburgh. 8.Accomplishments Wilson won a numerous amount of prestigious awards and made outstanding accomplishments throughout his career. He was the first African-American to have two plays running on Broadway at the same time and was one of only seven American playwrights to win two Pulitzer Prizes. He was named Pittsburgher of the year in 1990 by Pittsburgh Magazine, and in 1992 he received an honorary degree from Pittsburgh University. In 1999, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette named Wilson the top Pittsburgh cultural power broker. 9. The†¦show more content†¦e and what you want You cannot give in to the temptations of society And you can not let society rule your life There are many rules and double standards placed on women You cannot wear certain clothes because you will attract attention As if the clothes you wear is what makes you the target for assault You can t walk home by yourself in the dark The odds of you being harassed are not in your favor You cannot drink bottles that have been already opened at parties They could be drugged Yet you will be blamed for the aftermath You must keep your room clean, you must always look your best and you must learn how to cook And when you ask why your brother doesn’t have to do all that work The answer will because he is a boy You must always be prettier and smarter than other girls You are in an endless competition fighting for the attention of the opposite sex You must strive for success but not to much success or else it will threaten the male You must always think of your career but you must remember that marriage is the most important thing A woman s breast are used to advertise a simple hamburger on television But when used for their true purpose it is viewed as wrong Men can have sex with as many women as they want without being judged But when a women has sex once out of wedlock she is considered impure And when you ask why men are allowed to have sex with numerous women and not be judged The answer will be because he is a man My daughter womanhood is going to